miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2016

Character Strengths in My Life Pt3

Hi, I'm going to explain how different my life is in general, with the learning and practice of Character Strengths.

If  I didn´t practice the Character Strenghts, it would be so difficult, I would have a lot of troubles, each of the Character Strenghts help us to be a better person and a better student.

It´s ideal to practice them because in that way we can coexist with everyone around us without any problem, we can improve ourselves and everything would be easier.
Imagen de battle, Relationship, and story

Character Strenghts In My Life Part 2

Hiiiiii in our past post we showed Emily´s story now is timee for mines....
A moment where I dind´t practiced the Character Strenght of Self-Control was when I was in my room reading and then my sister enter and started to make noises and to move my things and then I started to shout at her because I wanted to read. Later that day I felt terrible and I try to apoligice with her and at the end she forgived me but the pain of shouting to my sister was really bad. If I since the begining use Self-Control the situation would have been different. From this situation I learned that is good to have self-control and to stay calm eventhough your are angry. Well I want you to learn something never forget that the Character Strenghts and usefull in many ways and many situations. With that said I leave you to think... Bye!!!

lunes, 23 de mayo de 2016

Character Strenghts In My Life

Hii everyone for this week we are going to tell you some of our stories with the Character Strenghts!!!!
A situation where we showed Character Strenghts:
Emily showed the Character Strenght of  Self-Control when she didn´t yelled to the Physics Teacher when he told her that she couldn´t expemt beacuse 9.475  didn´t rounded  up to 9.5 even when he tought her that 9.475 should round up to 9.5, and he tought us that for 4 bimesters. And even once he discounted  0.5 decimals in one exam for not rounding up correctly. And Emily couldn´t believed that the things he thought us he didn´t applied them in the daily life, and in the system.

sábado, 21 de mayo de 2016

A Great Student with Character Strenghts!

Hi people in the world!
We would like to introduce you to Sofi Borjon!

She considers herself a good student because she makes all her tasks and her average it's 9.3.
Sofi thinks that the Charcter Strenghts that she practice the most are:

  • Grit
  • Social Intelligence 
  • Curiosity
She thinks that they make her a better person and help her to improve herself.
The Character Strenght that Sofi considered the best for practice in the classroom is the Social Intelligence to coexist with everyone that around her, her partners and the teachers.

That's all bye!!!💙

5 TIps to Become a Better Student

Hiiii everyone. we are here to show you 5 tips for being a better student!!!
Tip 1:
You can ask questions. (Curiosity)

Tip 2:
Form or join a study group. (Social Intelligence)

Tip 3:
Pay attention in class. Don´t talk a lot.(Self-Control)

Tip 4:
Always try to have a better grade in your projects and homeworks. (Grit)

Tip 5:
See the best of all the Classes. (Optimism)

miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2016


We had a Teacher´s Day and now it's time for us to have a Student´s Day.
So the question is...
What Character Strenght's we as a students have?

Ana said that she practice a lot the Character Strenghts for being a good student of:
  • Self-Control
  • Optimism
  • Grit
When she is working she needs Self-Control for not start to talk with the others; Optimism for doing the work in a good mood; and Grit because of all the proyects that we have to do and that we need to give. 

And I think that the Charcter Strenghts that I practice the most are:
  • Zest
  • Curiosity
  • Social Intelligence
I think Zest for not sleeping in class; Curiosity so I can learn new things; and Social Inteligence for the work in teams with the other students and with the teachers. 

domingo, 15 de mayo de 2016

Happy Teacher's Day!

Hi people in the world!
We're back again and with a special post to dedicate to all the teachers, Congrats to all of them for their great job!

In this post we're going to talk about one of our teachers, we did an interview to know more about her, some of her personal life and some about the Character Strenghts. She is...

Miss. Violeta

Her complete name is Ana Violeta Hernandez Martinez, she is 27 years old. She studied Chemistry in UAC and she has been working here for one year. Miss. Violeta teaches Laboratory of Biology and chemistry, she also teaches a class named Physics Lab in which we build thing with K'nex pieces.
Her hobbie is the Yoga and she also likes to dance, her favorite gender of music is Rock and Jazz, she likes drama movies,she has 4 dogs and a parrot,  her favorite books are the narrative books.

Now about the Character Strenghts!!
We asked Miss. Violeta if she thinks that she practice the Character Strenghts of:
-Love of learning
-Social Intelligence

She said yes to all of them, and why she thinks she practice them; Creativity, Curiosity and Love of  Learning, when she investigate about the topics that she is going to talk in her class and the activities  to practice. Honesty because she always try to do and to say the right thing. Perseverance because she  overcome difficulties. Social intelligence with all the people around her, with teachers and students. Gratitude because she is always grateful for all the things she has.

This is how we present our teachers, this is the Tec Way!
Happy Teacher's Day!!

sábado, 7 de mayo de 2016

Music with a Message

Hi!!! We were thinking that if we already recomend you a movie and a character of a book we should do the same with a song...

"With or Without You" is a song of the group U2 and it talks about a couple that broke up but the guy is telling the girl that he willl continue living with her or without her, we think this song talks about grit because the guy is going to continue fighting even thought he leave his girlfriend. maybe it is not a new song but the message it gives for us is that you can survive the changes and the difficult things that haappen in your life.

Wel that is all for now thanks!!!

Books, Coffee & Chill

 Hi, we're back!

"Love doesn't always come when you want it to. Sometimes it just happens despite your will".
What do you think? Do you agree? Or not? Why?

Love is one of the most important Character Strenghts, and the book "Flowers in the Attic" leave us a lot to analize.
We invite you to read this amazing book, meet the characters and their lifes; rember that "Everyone has a secret, locked with key in the soul's attic"

We believe that Chris is the character that shows more Characters Strenghts, in all the story he stay optimist and show love to all the people, he doesn't hate his mother even when she did a lot of bad things to him and his brother and sisters.
He also encourage his siblings to practice zest.

We recommend this book because it shows how kids that had a really difficult childhood could overcome everything and fight for their dreams.

miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2016

Time to Watch a Movie

Hi everyone, working with the Character Strenghts we would like to suggest you to watch the trailer of the movie ¨Me Before You¨, that is going to be available in the cinemas on the 3rd of Jully, of this year.
The movie shows that main characters are going to pass throught a lot of difficulties. We think that the character sthrenghts would be a very important part of the movie.
¨Me Before You¨ is going to work a lot with grit, optimism, zest, gratitud, love, hope, and social intelligence. Get ready to wait for it! It's going to be awseome.